+31 (0) 162 - 684154info@diorheavylift.com

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is common practice at DIOR Heavylift. We are always looking for the most efficient way of working, which not only saves time and money, but also protects the environment. Our forklifts, pick & carry cranes, and hydraulic gantries are all electric. All our trucks have EURO 6 emissions, so that we meet the strictest emission requirements.


V.V. Hardinxveld
Ronald MC Donald Kinderfonds
KIKA Kinderenkankervrij
Stichting “t Veerse IJsplein”
Carnaval Dongen
Stichting de Oude Weideloop
Villa Pardoes
Mades Meezingkoor
Ropa Run
Hans Horrevoets Memorial Race
Sambaband Maisquenada Breda
Carnaval Tilburg
Stichting Hulphond Nederland
Winterwedstrijden WSV Biesbosch
Ronde van Made